So last week the Big Red Box swept me away to Miami for the week for training. I found out today I will be returning in three weeks for more. A perk of big corporate companies is they don’t mind flying you all over the place all the time. It was a great week; and it was even greater to be back in my home state!
At the training I met a bunch of other people throughout the states who are going through the same program I am. To me that was the best part; it made me feel less crazy and less like something is wrong with me for questioning myself so much.
At the training we spent a lot of time on how to work with people- which I now have to go implement my new managerial and leadership skills with the people who work in my department. To me this is the hardest (and most important) part of my job. I have a hard time giving criticism, despite how constructive, to others in the work place. I think the problem is I take everything personal, so I just assume everyone else does too. Especially when every single one of the people in my department are at least ten years my elder. I am really trying to find my own way of being assertive, without coming off as some smartass know-it-all college grad.
Today, I went to some of our main offices here in The City of Oaks to meet with some of the big wigs! I always find this very inspiring. I find it especially inspiring that my store manager, district vice president, and regional vice president are all women. I am so glad I am growing up in an era where women can be so powerful and am thankful for those you fought to break down those barriers so that I never have to experience them. Talking to such powerful women always empowers me and gives me a confidence jolt. I think anyone could take a note to have people like that be a part of their careers.
On a more personal note, I feel like I am truly beginning to find myself. I always found that phrase so odd; how could you not know yourself? But now, I see myself changing in many ways. It is all a very weird thing for me. I find the best way to describe this change is through small examples- things like how I now spend my nights watching Jeopardy. Or actively cooking healthy dinners for myself instead of going to Taco Bell three times a day.
I have suddenly become much more health conscious- both on a personal level and a global level. While I do tend to go through a healthy/I am going to lose weight phase every few months- this feels different. I am currently working on getting the mall I work in to start a recycling program (isn’t it ridiculous that such a giant place does not have one already?) I would have never really given much thought to that before. I almost feel like I am reverting back to my high school hippie self (minus skipping school to smoke pot in the alley.) My personal style is changing too, but I feel this is becoming much more internal than that. Living alone, and being in this big new (wonderful) city all alone, certainly strips away all the outside “peer pressures” (I hate that term, but it is effective.) I have had a lot of time, mostly unknowingly so, to self-reflect. I find I am becoming much more self-aware (which my district HR manager affirmed today, as well) and I like what I am seeing.
Maybe it will fade, or maybe this is who I was always meant to be.
Maybe this is what being a Big Girl is all about.
Love always,